Wednesday, November 11, 2020

2020, Master Bander Ken Sobon takes on the Station and the Blog, Pass the Birdbling Please!

In 2017, I (Dawn) retired from directing the owl program and was thrilled when my subpermittee Ken Sobon said he wanted to continue the project. Long term monitoring of a species reveals population trends and is valuable to identify changes over time with our changing climate, prey fluctuations, regional fires, etc. We've learned so much over the 12 years that I ran the station, including, there is so much more to learn. It's all been such an incredible part of my life in Northern California and now, time for a new chapter. I'm sure there will be owls involved!. Ken has put in hours of banding, enhanced the program with nest boxes and technology, and is a competent leader. He has recently received his Master Banding Permit. CONGRATULATIONS! Ken will also be taking over the blog and continue to share season highlights. 

Master Bander and Station Director, Ken Sobon

Passing the Baton, Master Bander and retired Station
Director Dawn Garcia

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