Saturday, November 10, 2012

"Making and Keeping Memories - Ending Alzheimer's" Silent Auction Winners Meet the Owls!

Our crew met with the silent auction winners for an owl night out, at the "Making and Keeping Memories" Alzheimer's Association Fundraiser hosted by Becky, April and the Book Family Farm in June 2012.  This was a successful and tasty event, with wine and beer/food pairings and music by the Railflowers.

Friday's guests were an interesting group of 6 well-traveled and adventurous ladies (2 having just zip-lined over the forests of Costa Rica!) and they fared well during the coldest night of the banding season so far  -  38*F.  Fortunately we were able to treat our guests with a heater and hot drinks. At sunset we heard a N. Pygmy Owl trilling. In the early night we heard Sandhill Cranes and later Tundra Swans overhead.

Ladies from the Alzheimer's Fundraiser with me and a Saw-whet Owl
Although the night seemed perfect, a cold night following a storm with no moon, the first 3 net runs were empty, other than a rain beetle that we released from the nets. Then came the owls, 4 in total, including this photogenic After Second Year (ASY) male. Our 4th owl broke the season total at 100 owls! We think our guests definitely made, and will keep, the fun memory of meeting the saw-whet owls. Us too! 
ASY Male - photo by Steve King

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